They need help
Many patients with pulmonary hypertension turn to СF “Sister Dalila” for help. You can read their stories here.

Tetyana Ivashchenko
Autumn is always generous… It is generous for fruit and vegetables, which we have been waiting for all summer. Autumn is rich in mushrooms and other gifts of nature. We
Halyna Bezenko
Halyna Bezenko (75) already knows well what it means to fight for life. She knows what it’s like to pad the thresholds of hospitals, hear disappointing diagnoses, and continue to
Larisa Kucheryavenko
Larisa Kucheryavenko, born in 1969 from the city of Kryvyi Rih joins our organization so as not to be alone in the fight against the disease. A woman’s life depends
Nadiya Boyko
Nadiya Boyko, 1983. from the village Dmytriv, Radekhiv district, Lviv region. Diagnosis: chronic postembolic pulmonary hypertension, which requires permanent and long-term екуфеьуте, as well as significant funds.
Anna Kripak
Anna Kripak, 27 year-old young lady from Nikopol city, Ukraine. ( II group inv.) since childhood. She received her schooling at home due to poor health, but this did not
Halyna Magalyas
Галина Магаляс, 62-річна мешканка с. Соколів, Тернопільської обл; Діагноз: Ідіопатична легенева гіпертензія( 3 тр.), а також цукровий діабет Зст.
Olena Hromotska
Дітей, хворих на Легеневу Гіпертезію стає більше. Прикро повідомляти, але діагноз документально підтверджений, медичні дослідження пройдені і залишається боротися з хворобою. Коли боришся сам, то хвороба здається страшною…але коли разом,
Olena Oliinyk
Олена – 29-річна молода жінка, сповнена мрій попри трагічні моменти життя. Вона хоче вдихати повітря на повні груди, але її подих дороговартісний. Перехворівши COVID-19 з ураженням легень 90 %, у
Alla Honcharuk
Honcharuk Alla Leonidivna is from Iziaslav, where she lives today. Woman is 54 years old. She has been suffering since 2012. During this time she was examined in many clinics.
Shuplat Andrew
Shuplat Andrew is a young man who has a whole life ahead of him. However, since an early age, he faced adult problems. The largest of them is pulmonary hypertension.
Andrusyk Ihor
Andrusyk Ihor Bohdanovych, 9 years old. He is still a child, but has already faced serious problems. Diagnosis: congenital heart disease. Eisenmengera Complex. Wide open arterial duct. CH And Art.
Pankiv Vasyl
Pankiv Vasyl Yaroslavovych, born in 1972. Together with his family lives in Lviv. All his life he was active, he had two jobs.
Myroslava Dziubinska
Short story of my life. My name is Dziubinska Myroslava. I was born January 2, 1977 in Lviv region, Sosnivka town.
Tetiana Vlasyuk
I, Tetiana Vlasyuk, the mother of a child suffering from pulmonary arterial hypertension
Oksana Melnyk
My name is Oksana, I am 24. Since birth I was diagnosed with congenital heart defect, pulmonary atresia, type II.
Nadiia Nus
We have a new ward – Nadiia Nus, born 26.05.1992, who lives in Ivano-Puste village of Borschiv district, Tenopil area.
Petrychenko Natalia
Our new ward is Natalia!
Matkovskyy Artem
Yesterday at our office we could hear the child`s laughing. Matkovskyy Artem together with his parents came from the village Zaplatyn, Lviv region, leaving at home his younger brother.
Prendota Ruslana
Today, on a sunny spring day Charitable Foundation “Sisters Delilah” received guests again.
Svitlana Malanchak
Constant and continuous treatment for pulmonary hypertension is extremely important.
Olena Lisovyk
Hello everyone! My name is Olena Lisovyk
Irene Sydorchuk
My name is Irene Sidorchuk.
Anna Hromilova
My name is Anna Hromilova. I am 17 years old. I am from Kramatorsk, Ukraine.
Chrystynka Makarchuk
The greatest joy for mother is to hear a cry of her newborn.
Zoryana Hud
Hello to all candid people! My name is Zoryana Hud. I am 29. I was born in 1984. Diagnosis: a congenital heartdisease, pulmonary hipertension, hepatits C.