Butterfly in Blue
Pulmonary hypertension needs special attention, so we created a special project about patients and for patients.
Cork for Life
The “Cork for Life” campaign is open-ended and aimed at providing PH patients in Ukraine with medicines, medical equipment and charitable assistance if they need it.
Lviv City Charitable Foundation of “Sister Dalila” is implementing the O2 Kids project, which aims to raise awareness about a rare disease – pediatric pulmonary hypertension and attract donations from philanthropists to purchase electric scooters for pulmonary hypertension diseased children in Ukraine.
St. Nicolas Day
Every year before the St. Nicholas Day, “Sister Dalila” Charitable Foundation makes the dreams of children with Pulmonary hypertension, PH patients` children, and children whose parents died of PH.
For coffee
The project “For coffee” is a charity auction of dates with celebrities. It was aimed at helping orphan PH patient Alina Didusenko, who needed a heart & lung transplant. The funds were needed for food, accommodation, and additional expenses while Alina was waiting for heart and lung transplant in India.
Charity Shop
The “Charity Shop_DobroDii” project is an online store where everyone can buy the offered goods: paintings, jewelry, souvenirs, etc. for a charitable contribution. All goods are provided by benefactors, and the funds are directed to the account of the CF “Sister Dalila” to help PH patients.