The Day of Pulmonary Hypertension in Lviv, the 6-th of May

The Day of Pulmonary Hypertension in Lviv, the 6-th of May

       On May the 6-th, Lviv Charitable Foundation “Sisters Delila”  organizes the Day of Pulmonary Hipertenion in Lviv. The purpose of the event is  to bring to the public officials the problem of pulmonary hypertension. The inability of the patient  to provide themselves with drugs asbecause it is as expensive treatment makes this issue hot nowadays.

      THE AGENDA: 11.00 o`clock – Conference of Pulmonary Hypertension at DanyloHalytskiyLvivNationalMedicalUniversity with the main speaker- Lubomir V V. Kulik who addressed  to patients, to all open-hearted citizens, and volunteers with the word about the disease and its symptoms.

 12.00. The Pulmonary Hipertension campaign conducted by our volunteers dressed in purple and white shirts with painted purple lips.

Route: Lviv National medical University along Pekarska Street 52; Lviv Department of Health in K.Levytakyi 82 Street; The Main Department of Health of Lviv Region in Konopnicka 3 Street; The City Hall in Square Market1; Liberty Avenue from the monument to Solomya Krushelnytska Opera and Ballet Theatre. Volunteers will be handing out flyers (with information about pulmonary hypertension and its the first symptoms) and purple beads.


       The Schedule:

11.00 Conference;

12.00-18.00 action (gait) volunteers.

Welcome everyone to join the action!