“Miss PH Beauty 2014”, Ukraine, Results

Hello everyone! We have good news for you. “Miss PH 2014” is over and finally there is a sponsor who purchased the gift for the winner of “Miss PH 2014.” This is the medicines – syldenafil. The winner is Pokotylo Olena from Kyiv. Her optimism, sincerity and sparkles in her eyes and a smile that is sometimes purple, did the trick. All the members of jury voted unanimously – Helen has won!! The winner will receive Syldenafil per month and the opportunity to participate in the project of the famous photographer Victoria Jasinski, a t-shirt and the cup with the logo of the fund and with her photography))).
So “Miss PH – 2014” is Pokotylo Olena! Congratulations to the winner!!!
We have also chosen “Miss PH Audience Award – 2014”. It is Anna Berehova from Kyiv who will receive the cup with the logo of the fund and her photo.
Sydorchuk Irina, from Kyiv has won in the category of “Miss PH Charm – 2014” who will also receive the cup with the logo of the fund and her photo.
Congratulations to our beauties!!