General Annual PH Meeting 2014 in Barcelona

General Annual PH Meeting 2014 in Barcelona

A lot of incredible emotions, positive thoughts, new ideas and sweet memories… Five unforgettable days in hot Barcelona in a company of non ordinary and creative people who make this world better… It was the first PHA Europe General Meeting for our young foundation, but we were strongly suprised at the warm and friendly welcome for us! In spite of the fact that the Meeting was devoted to the rare disease of pulmonary hypertension, we were not feeling depressed, but inspired! Yes, it’s difficult to fight with it, but it’s possible to live an interesting and full life having PH! Thank you, Gery and Pisana Ferrari, for giving a chance and an inspiration to change the lives of those people! And thank you, our dear new friends from all over the world for making a great common deal in the name of happy future! Health, peace and happiness to each of you! We hope to see you next year! Kisses from Ukraine