Everyday Challenge

Everyday Challenge

       During Sarah`s pregnancy the scan showed congenital diaphragmatic hernia of fertal, which meant that Isabelle (in this way Sarah decided to name the girl) that there will be problems with healyh.When child was born, doctors diagnosed pulmonary hypertension.

       It certainly was a challenge for Isabel and her family. Since the birth the girl has constantly needed oxygen therapy and taking of heart drugs. Inspite of getting the appropriate medication, she still felt constantly tired. “The pressure in her lungs was as if it ran a marathon every day,” – says Sara. Any cold or flu were  life threatening for the girl.

       Because of to Isabel`s disease my husband and I decided that someone always has to byat home to look after their daughter, and at the same time it meant that one of us now will be unemployed and there will be in half money less.

       Since her early ageIsabel has been interested in playing the piano. At the age of five, the girl said she wanted a piano. “Weagreed to byit, knowing she will cope with it. ” – Sarahsays. For Isabel, the piano was to be means of empowerment, because she would have an opportunity to play like other children. Unfortunately, we had no money to buy the piano. Isabelle carefully collected everything, she was  she was given on her birthdays and Christmas. And, unfortunately, it was not enough. Once Isabel`s aunt, knowing the  girl`s dreamaddressed to the charity fund for help. And then a new piano appeared in the house.

       “We are incredibly grateful to donors” –Sarahsays – “The first time Isabel sat down at the piano, I felt hope. I thought we might go through it. I still think so when I see the piano every morning.

       The child`s wish become something more than just a wish, it gave the child with a dangerous disease the opportunity to forget about her health condition and to feel like a normal child.

       This is a gift for all life. Isabel`s example, reminds all us that you can live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment, even with a severe disease, “- continues Sarah.