European Pulmonary Hypertension Association (PHA Europe) awarded CF of “Sister Dalila”

We are filled with incredible feelings, pleasant surprise, joy, when daily, hourly, every minute work towards overcoming problems of pulmonary hypertension in Ukraine is appreciated at PHA Europe level.
This year at the PHA Europe annual conference the CF of “Sister Dalila” was awarded for its work towards overcoming the problems of PH in Ukraine, hosting the World PH Day 2016, the Round Table “Transplantation in Ukraine: discussion of effective model of the transplant coordination system. “
This award is merit of everyone who supported us in the Ukraine, in Europe and in the world community for the salvation of all PH patients in Ukraine.
We thank PHA Europe for the award, it was very nice to receive it.
This award is special to us because each of PH Associations is worthy to receive it.