Dear patients of LCCF of “Sister Delila” to provide you with portable nebulizer, we need your medical document that confirms that you need to take Ventavis

Dear patients of LCCF of “Sister Delila” to provide you with portable nebulizer, we need your medical document that confirms that you need to take Ventavis

       Dear patients of LCCF of “Sister Delila”! We badly need your medical document that confirms you need Ventavis for us to be able to provide you with a portable nebulizer. As soon as we have needed funds, we shall try we  to provide you all with portable nebulizer. Without the given document, nebulizer can be provided. Let’s be honest with each other, we do not give preference to someone personally but try to help everyone as far as we can.
       Currently, we ask to provide the relevant medical document to Anna Hromilova for whom we have transferred the funds to purchase a portable nebulizer. (The nebulizer is marked and is the property of the foundation and is given to a person to use).