Cork for Life

The “Cork for Life” campaign is open-ended and aimed at providing PH patients in Ukraine with medicines, medical equipment and charitable assistance if they need it.

The campaign consists in the following:

  1. collection of plastic caps (corks) from plastic containers;
  2. delivery of plastic caps to the recycling company;
  3. above mentioned company transfers funds for plastic caps to the account of CF “Sister Dalila”;
  4. CF “Sister Delilah” use the funds to help PH patients.
Cork for Life

In the frame of the project we achieved qualitative (principle) changes:

Покращення якості та тривалості життя людей із особливими потребами – пацієнтів із легеневою гіпертензією.

Досягнуті якісні (принципові) зміни:

  1. We purchased oxygen concentrator BIOMED 7F-3 for PH patient Oksana Melnyk costing UAH 10,000.
  2. Charitable assistance was transferred to Alina Didusenko in the sum of UAH 12,200 for food, accommodation, and additional expenses while she was waiting for heart and lung transplant in India.
  3. Charitable assistance was transferred to Karina Ovcharenko – UAH 1,000 for food, accommodation and additional expenses while she was waiting for heart and lung transplant in India.
  4. Charitable assistance was transferred to Yulia Kavii – UAH 1,417 for food, accommodation and additional expenses while she was waiting for heart and lung transplant in India.
  5. There was purchased medical equipment: inhalers for inhaling medicine.
  6. PH medicines were purchased for PH patient Topolska Nadiia.
  7. The harmful impact of plastic on the environment is reduced.

“Cork for life” campaign hot line: +38068 459 33 70
Facebook group –
Instagram –
Video about Campaign –