“Sister Dalila” Charitable Foundation has launched an educational and social project: a beauty studio of the club type “Butterfly in Blue” together with the NGO “Pulmonary Hypertension Ukrainian Rare Disease Organization.”
The educational and social project is a fundraising initiative aimed at financing the activities of “Sister Dalila” Charitable Foundation, free access for patients with pulmonary hypertension to beauty services and beauty care training.
How does it work?
The educational and social project functions as a beauty studio of the club type “Butterfly in Blue”, where by prior appointment custommers are provided with stylistic and hairdressing services (haircut, hairstyle), a manicure and a pedicure procedures. The funds received from the services provided will be used for the activities of “The Sister Dalila” charitable foundation and the project implementation. Target audience of “The Sister Dalila charitable foundation are patients with pulmonary hypertension who receive services free of charge and can start training in beauty care. Additionally, it is planned to organize master classes on beauty services from well-known specialists in the given field.
“Our organization has a dream, we want to establish a social hairdresser. This hairdresser will provide services for patients with pulmonary hypertension, various orphan nosologies and members of their families, “- claims Oksana Kulish, President of the Charitable Foundation” of Sister Dalila”.
The charitable foundation of “Sister Dalila” managed to make a dream come true, Educational and social project: beauty studio club type “Butterfly in Blue” is working!
This became possible with the support of friends, long-term partners, the European Association of Pulmonary Hypertension, the Ukrainian Diaspora in Norway.