We have started our story heading “How the Covid-19 pandemic is affecting the life of PH patient?”

We have started our story heading “How the Covid-19 pandemic is affecting the life of PH patient?”
To your attention a story #1 of Viktoriia Burbura (diagnosis – PH):
1. How could a possible COVID-19 infection affect your current medical condition?
“- It can worsen my health condition.”
2. How does the current situation (extensive spread of COVID-19) affect your quality of life/everyday life? And why?
“- It affects my psycho-emotional condition, namely: continuous anxiety, limitation in communication; in other words it has a negative influence on me: wearing a face mask that is difficult to breathe in limits my walks”.
3. How do you feel about the call to boycott the security measures (not wearing protective masks, organizing risky gatherings, etc.)? Are you afraid?
“- I feel fear and irritation.”
4. What are you most afraid of in this current situation?
“- The most I am afraid of that my close people or me will get sick from this infection and that the disease will be difficult for us to bear.”
5. How do you feel when you see someone intentionally or unintentionally ignoring healthcare guidelines and endangering their own and your health and life?
“- I feel irritation and danger then.”
6. Do you have people in your midst who don’t believe in the harmfulness of the virus? How do you feel about that?
“- I think that there are no such people in my midst.”
7. Were you at any time, during the COVID-19 pandemic “forced” to attend a family or other social event (wedding, funeral, celebration, party, etc.)? How did you feel about it? Did you attend? Were you feeling any kind of distress after the event?
“- No, I was not forced to and did not visit any. I feel small stress even after visiting a hospital or a shop.”
8. Do you experience distress/ panic attacks due to the current situation and concern for your own health, your future and your life? How does this look like, what triggers those attacks?
“- I fear and have strees, no panic attacks.”
9. How do you feel when you have to explain to people that COVID-19 infection can have serious consequences for your health? How do people react?
“- There is no need to explain to people about Covid and my illness in my midst because they all know and understand the seriousness of the situation.”
10. What would make you feel safer in this time of the COVID-19 pandemic?
“- I would feel safer, if the doctors understand that I am at special risk zone and avoiding the crowded places can also help”.