We have a new ward, Petrychenko Natalia !!!
Our new ward is Natalia!
She lives in Kherson region., Skadovsk district, Krasne village, Haharina str., 21.
Diagnosis: idiopathic (primary) pulmonary hypertension of III stage. Relative tricuspid valve insufficiency I stage. RBBB. СH PA FC III.
Natalia got the diagnosis back in 2012. When she was told that she has “primary pulmonary hypertension” she was shocked. At that time she have already knew that the disease leaves no chances for life. In 2006 from this serious illness died her little son, who was only 4 years old. Natalia didn’t know what to do, where to go. Every step was harder to make, but she looked at her little children and didn’t give up. Indeed God exists as on the recommendation Natalia came to Kiev to L.F.Konopliova, who appointed her medication for maintenance therapy: “Sildenafil”, “Veroshpiron” “Warfarin”, “Diakordyn.” During first years Natalia felt much better, but with every year her condition continued to deteriorate, shortness of breath was stronger, she felt worse while activity and fainted. Now the need for drugs is even greater. She doesn’t have money for Syldenafil, which is very expansive. However, without it Natalya can’t neither breathe nor live. She wants to have more time to live and bring up their children, who are also in need of her mother’s care, love and affection. Therefore, she is asking all kind and compassionate people to help her with expensive treatment. She hopes for your support and understanding!
Together we can save a life for mother of two little children! We hope for your concern and thank you for your understanding!