We continue the series of charitable drawings

We continue the series of charitable drawings.
Lot #2 – knitted collection “Bear” (by the link you will find the photo:
Here are the conditions:
- Make a donation to the card number of Charitable Fund “Sister Dalila” № 5169 3324 0663 9800 and become the drawing member.
- The amount of a donation shall start from 40 hryvnyas.
- Make a screenshot of the donation and add it to the comments under this post.
- In private message we will send you the range of numbers from … and up to …, by which you will take part in the drawing.
- The bigger is the donation, the bigger will be the range of numbers that we will send you. The chance to win increases.
- The costs will be used for the activity of CF “Sister Dalila” to support PH patients.
The drawing will take place on air on the Facebook page of Pulmonary Hypertension Association:
You can take part in the drawing of lot #2 – knitted collection “Bear” since October 20 to October 24, 2020, having made a donation starting of 40 hryvnyas.
The announcement of the results will be on October 26, 2020 at 19:00.
We wish exactly You become the owner of the “warm” gift.