We announce series of charitable drawings.

Lot #1 – exciting game-lotto “Natural history kaleidoscope”, which will make everyone dive into an amazing travelling the world that is surrounding us!
You can win this wonderful game, making a donation of 10 hryvnyas.
Here are the conditions:
- Make a donation since October 13 to October 17, 2020 to the card number of Charitable Fund “Sister Dalila” № 5169 3324 0663 9800 and become the drawing member.
- The amount of a donation shall start from 10 hryvnyas
- Make a screenshot of the donation and add it to the comments under this post
- In private message we will send you the range of numbers from … and up to …, by which you will take part in the drawing
- The bigger is the donation, the bigger will be the range of numbers that we will send you. The chance to win increases.
- The costs will be used for the activity of CF “Sister Dalila” to support PH patients.
The drawing will take place on October 19, 2020 at 19:00 o’clock on air on the facebook page of Pulmonary Hypertension Association.
We wish exactly You become the owner of the exciting game.