The TV channels “TRK-Lviv”, “ZIK” and “NTA” told about World PH Day in Lviv

On May 13 patients with pulmonary hypertension from different cities of Ukraine came to the “Gorikhovyi Hay” park. Activists, doctors and even coordinator of the PHA Europe also were there. They all came to celebrate World PH Day and raise awareness of this disease:
“Pulmonary hypertension is a fast progressive disease that requires a lot of money. Currently we are trying to improve the situation of patients using the action “Cork for life”. We give patients an opportunity to help themselves: they sort used corks by colors, so that we can get bigger sum of money. The recycling company transfer funds and we can buy more medicines, “- said the head of the foundation of “Sister Delila” Oksana Kulish.
Today this foundation is often the last hope for patients. The treatment of pulmonary hypertension requires tens of thousand UAH every months (media commentary).
“Although the capital of Ukraine is Kyiv, the situation with medicines in there is worse, than in Lviv. Lviv achieved at least something, they got a little provision with medicines while Kyiv has none. We appealed to the Kyiv City State Administration, did flesh mobs, went to the mayor and deputies, but we’ve got no response. They told us that there’s no money, and the treatment is very expensive – from 40 to 120 thousand UAH a month. With our pension we can’t afford it. Such events draw attention to the problem, “- said Olena Pokotylo from Kiev.