The rehab program for PH patients came to its end

The rehab program for PH patients came to its end

The rehab program for PH patients came to its end. The last session was dedicated to panic attackes  and how to cope with it by yourself or to help someone beside you. But if such attackes happen to you very often, you shoul turn to the specialist – psycologist. 

The entire program covered 12 sessions, that included breathing and physical exercises, group psychotherapy and a nutritionist lecture. With each session we were doing exercises better and more confidently, forcing our body, heart and lungs to work, to be saturated with oxygen. We relaxed in the hands of masseur master Adrian Cusan. Together with Vilena Kit and Roman Andrievskyi we were once in the mountains, the countryside, the jungle, or we were going on a journey and returning home. We turned into eagles, swallows, lions, snakes. We learned ourselves. We learned our abilities and searched for our resources. We thank the team of  Anna Mazurenko Children’s Health Center, Antin Kushnir, Adrian Cousan, Tetiana Smirnova, Vilena Kit, Roman Andriyevskyi, Halyna Kapshii, Mariana Stehnitsa, who worked with us during all this  time. A pleasant surprise for us was the certification of the completion of the rehab program 🙂
We thant The Department of internal and information policies for the 6 months support.