Social photo shoot as a continuation of the “Butterfly in blue” show

Social photo shoot as a continuation of the “Butterfly in blue” show

We feel so happy, when with joint efforts we were able to pass positive emotions and joy to people with rare disease – PH, and to attract the attention of society to their needs.

This became possible thanks to the “Butterfly in blue” fashion show, which involved PH patients.

The show allowed each participant to feel confident and believe that he/she is unique in its own beauty as a full member of society.

This fairy-tale fantasy had its continuation … It was a photo shoot, which was offered by the model online magazine “M VIVE” for one of the participants in the show “Butterfly in blue”. The model was Oksana Melnyk (24 years old).

It’s cool that the “Butterfly in Blue” show became a new start for Oksana.

It was the “M VIVE” owner  – Vladislav Kalyuzhny, who offered to hold a photo session. He supports social projects and was glad that this can help Oksana reveal herself as a model.

When mass media join us in such projects, they help to draw society’s attention to the PH issues, first of all, through the prism of beauty.

Lviv is positioning itself as socially responsible city, as evidenced by the city mayor’s advisor Oksana Rubai, who joined the “Butterfly in blue” fashion show and this photo shoot. She believes that there is no barrier between society and people with special needs.

“It’s good when the society openly perceives all people. A good example is the participation and victory of El Salvador in the Eurovision Song Contest, a guy who needs a transplantation of the heart.

A social photo shoot and the enormous success of Vozianov with the model Alexandra Kutas.

It’s cool when life gives you opportunities despite everything …. “- said Oksana Kulish, Head of the CF “Sister of Dalila”, PHURDA.

We thank Vladislav Kalyuzhny – the model online magazine “M VIVE” for the opportunity for Oksana Melnyk to realize herself in something new.

We thank the mayor advisor – Oksana Rubai for the support of social initiatives.

We thank Irina Meleshko, Lubomir Zabolotnyi for capturing the process of preparing for the photo session.

We thank the media for covering the photo shoot.

We thank Lesy Semi for designer clothes for Oksana.