Semen Chrystyna Olehivna is a candidate of medical sciences, a lecturer

Semen Chrystyna Olehivna is a candidate of medical sciences, a lecturer. The place of work is Danylo Halytskiy National Medical University of Lviv, Department of Internal Medicine -Propedeutics №2 (based on the Lviv Railway Hospital, Lviv city, 5 Ohijenka street).
“ I graduated from Danylo Halytskiy National Medical University of Lviv in 2001. In 2008 I defended my thesis in “internal medicine”. I teach medical students propedeutics of Internal Medicine. The problems of pulmonary hypertension are among my scientific interests and especially the value of heart rate variability for prognosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension and correction of oxidative stress as an important pathogenetic approach to treatment of pulmonary hypertension.
I have got over 10 years of clinical experience with pulmonary hypertension. I participated in the schools of the European Respiratory Society (2012, 2014) on the problems of diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary hypertension. From the results of the scientific work I performed presentations at the Congress of the European Respiratory Society, Association of Cardiologists of Ukraine. I have an experience of working with different groups of drugs that are used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension.
The situation with the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary hypertension in Ukraine has improved for recent years, which is associated with some success in establishment of specialized centers and associations, an active position of patients with pulmonary hypertension. Today the prognosis of the disease got better by introduction into clinical practice of modern specific medicines.
I hope that together the Ukrainian patients with pulmonary hypertension will be able to receive medical care in accordance with current international standards.