Pulmonary hypertension is one of the 8,000 rare and incurable diseases
Pulmonary hypertension is one of the 8,000 rare and incurable diseases. Setting a correct diagnosis takes about three years. Treatment is expensive and life-long. In the world there are 16 drugs for medical treatment, in Ukraine – only 5. For more serious stages of the disease surgical interventions are possible. The ultimate method of treatment is heart transplantation, lung, heart-lung complex. Unfortunately, in Ukraine, the transplantation system is not working yet. Rehabilitation is extremely important for patients. It is a complex of physical activity and psycho-emotional support combined with healthy nutrition. Such rehabilitation should be regular. Abroad, patients with pulmonary hypertension undergo rehabilitation daily for two to three weeks at least once a year. Unfortunately, in Ukraine, at the state level, there are no rehabilitation programs.
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