Our PH patients are incredible young women

Our PH patients are incredible young women

Our PH patients are incredible young women!
We were actively moving today thus strenghting our organism. After several breaks we returned to the real physical excersises that were organized for us by Tetiana Smirnova and relaxing massage from Adrian Kuzan. Vilena Kit and Roman Andrievskyi have taken us to this mega-city, but we have found a way to our native, comfortable and safe places in the nature. Also today we went through a very deep self-examination. Through the Exercise “Who am I?” Everyone saw himself in 10 roles. And yet, we tried to make decisions that was extremely difficult for us: winter or spring? Is there a special space or connection with the environment? Seven or LH? How are we psychologists who check us against the contradiction to self-deprivation.
The Department of Internal and Information Policy of the Lviv Regional State Administration is grateful for the financial support of our project.