Lviv Charitable Foundation of “Sister Dalila” will Support Rare Disease Day in February

In Ukraine, Lviv City Charitable Foundation of “Sister Dalila” will run the following activities to the Rare Disease Day
1) During the whole February in Lviv city, the cultural capital of Ukraine there will be posted banners depicting the Ukrainian child suffering from a rare disease – Pulmonary Hypertension.
2) 22 February 2015 in Lviv there will be a flashmob. The participants of flashmob will be volunteers and patients of Charitable Foundation of “Sister Dalila” and all others who have reference to rare diseases.
3) 26 February 2015 there will be run a common conference of doctors and Lviv City Charitable Foundation of “Sister Dalila” on “Orphan Diseases in Cardiology”
4) The Ukrainian manufacturer of juices in a batch of products will place stickers of logos of Day of Rare Disease Day and Charitable Foundation of “Sister Dalila”
5) On Lviv TV Channel “TRK Lviv” there will be broadcasted a programme “Give Hope” on rare diseases or people living with rare diseases.
The purpose of all kinds of these activities is to draw public`s attention to people with rare diseases. Although there are few of them but if they unite, they will make a significant persentage of the society.