It is very pleasant to me that in spite of the hundreds of kilometers you are in my life!

“Dear helpers of Saint Mykolay, dear good people!
Despite Coronavirus, the war, the problems, the troubles, the money, the desire etc. – a lot of challenges of today, a lot of arguments so that to close your heart from the needs of other people, and as a result – stop reading the post, in which I have asked for the people with pulmonary hypertension like me.
But you did not ignore it. Despite all, you have read them, had a desire and helped. I sincerely thank all, everybody of you.
I also thank God for the fact that you are and I ask Him to fill your hearts with His graces so that to reward your understanding, sympathy and goodness a hundred times.
It was worth to see the smiling faces of my children, whom you made happier. You not only fulfilled their testamentary dreams, you opened a world of good and love to them, which despite all that happens in life, exists and to which every person is called for.
Even the parents have believed in a miracle, which God is making with the help of such people like you!
Thanks to everybody! It is very pleasant to me that in spite of the hundreds of kilometers you are in my life!”, – head of CF “Sister Dalila”.