How one can be enrolled for a waiting list to get organ transplant in Ukraine?

To your attention the life story of the person who is under guardianship of CF “Sister Dalila”!
Ruslana Kryvushenko and her story before she was enrolled for the waiting list to get organ transplant in Ukraine:
” It is useful to indicate that the process can be log-lasting and requires some costs. It all started after talking to the employees of CF “Sister Dalila” – Oksana Skaara-Kulish and Andriy Huley.”
At this time (June 2020) mas media has already informed about the successful heart transplantations in Ukraine at the Kovel hospital and at Lviv first aid clinic hospital.
In December 2019, the Ministry of Healthcare registered my application to get a heart-lung organ transplant abroad (only India agrees to take patients from Ukraine in this area). It has been known that Ukrainian patients have been waiting for a transplant in India for more than a year and, unfortunately, without any result.
The staff of PHURDA told me to address to Lviv Clinical Ambulance Hospital (Ukraine), where they started carrying out transplants.
In the summer of 2020, I had a consultation at Lviv Ambulance Hospital. I was taken copies of previous examinations: conclusions about the diagnosis, referral for transplantation, ECHO, X-ray, tests. My personal data has been recorded. I submitted blood to CROSS-MATCH (it needs to be re-submitted every three months) and was included in the waiting list.
I was given a list of examinations that needed to be submitted at my own expense:
1) analysis for HLA-typing of tissues at loci A, C, DR;
2) tests for hepatitis and viruses;
3) general blood test, biochemistry. Blood group, coagulogram, AIDS test;
4) tomography of the chest.
Then I additionally was included on the waiting list at Kyiv Heart Institute (Ukraine), as the Unified State Information System for Transplantation does not yet function in Ukraine. ”