How can a non-profit / charity organization rent facilities

“How can a non-profit / charity organization rent facilities?”.
A video recording of a webinar during which the following questions were answered:
– How do I get to know about vacant facilities and how to view them?
– How to participate in the non-profit competition for non-residential premises?
– How does the organization’s activities in the public space affect the results of the non-profit competition?
– What changes are awaiting us with the entry into force on February 1, 2019 of the Law of Ukraine “On leasing of state and municipal property”?
The information presented during the webinar is based on practical experience gained in cooperation with the Charity Foundation “Sisters of Dalila” from Lviv City Council
The webinar was held by the Dalila Sisters Charitable Foundation in cooperation with the Ukrainian Philanthropists Forum with the technical support of Isar Ednannia