Help CF “Sister Dalila” in fundraising for buying an oxygen concentrator

Help CF “Sister Dalila” in fundraising for buying an oxygen concentrator to a PH patient to have oxygen therapy.
You can help us by:
- Making a donation to the account of CF “Sister Dalila”.
- Write to our Facebook messenger about your donation, starting from 100 hryvnyas and you will receive a gift, a reusable cloth face mask.
We have received the face masks from Pulmonary Hypertension Association Europe.
Requisites CF “Sister Dalila”:
-5169 3324 0663 9800 АТ КБ “Privatbak”
АТ КБ “Privatbank”, ЄДРПОУ code 39155436
– LiqPay
Tel.: 097 151 09 01
Be healthy!!!