CF “Sister Dalila” offers wonderful cloth masks for a charitable donation

Dear friends, CF “Sister Dalila” offers you wonderful cloth masks for a charitable donation.
CF “Sister Dalila” offers wonderful cloth masks, received from PHA Europe with PH logo for a charitable donation starting of 100 hryvnyas.
Your charitable donations will be used for the activity of CF “Sister Dalila” to help the people with pulmonary hypertension.
The masks are Super, indeed!!!
They are very pleasant to touch. They are easy to breathe in.
Having received such a face mask, you will not regret!!!
Our requisites:
CF “Sister Dalila”
-5169 3324 0663 9800 АТ КБ “Privatbank”
АТ КБ “Privatbank”, ЄДРПОУ 39155436
Our tel.: 097 151 09 01
Be healthy!