15-year-old orphan Alina Didusenko needs urgent help!!!

15-year-old orphan Alina Didusenko needs urgent help!!!

Alina Didusenko hasn’t been provided from the budget with vital medicines “Revatio” and “Ventavis”, total cost of which per month is 120 thousand UAH. As a result of full treatment lack, her condition deteriorated so much that doctors recommended her lung and heart transplantation.

19/10/2015 Alina Didusenko, born in 2000,  got a diagnostic in Medizinische Universiat Wien, Austria. On the clinic’s recommendation, currently the child  doesn’t requires transplantation.

08/11/2015 LCCF of “Sister Delila” received the letter of response №3.32-D-1/13 / 3241-15 from the Medical Department of the DOH in Ukraine on Alina Didusenko, which said: “A.S.Didusenko will be provided with conservative treatment in Ukraine.”

In this case, conservative treatment, which is inherent pulmonary hypertension, is a combined treatment with two medicines: “Revatio” and “Ventavis”, total cost of which per month for Alina is 120 thousand UAH.

10/11/2015 Medical Department of the DOH in Ukraine considered the appeal of the guardian Natalia Gordienko and addressed the letter to the DOH of Kyiv Regional State Administration, asking to provide A.Didusenko with necessary medical care, including medicines, recommended by experts, from the budget.

For few months Borispil CRH had been providing Alina Didusenko only with “Ventavis”. The child had never received “Revatio”.

We’d like to inform, that the guardian Natalia Gordienko received letter №1-104-1875 of 11/24/2015 from the DOH of Kyiv Regional State Administration, which said, that Borispil CRH is unable to provide the child with “Ventavis” due to lack of funds. DOH Kyiv Regional Administration also can’t provide a child with specified medicines.

Having found out about this, LCCF of “Sisters Delila” sent the letter №6 of 11/12/2015 on Didusenko Alina to the Commissioner of the President of Ukraine on children’s rights.

The Commissioner of the President of Ukraine on children’s rights sent LCCF of “Sister Delila” the letter №32-06 / 1822 of 01/12/2015 that he appealed to the Head of the Kyiv Regional State Administration to take appropriate measures for permanent providing of seriously ill child Alina Didusenko with medicines and allocate funds for the purchase of the medicines for her during the preparation of the regional budget.

However, Alina Didusenko still doesn’t receive medicines “Revatio” and “Ventavis” from the budget funding. SHE DOESN’T WANT TO DIE!!!

In this case, according to the Budget Code of Ukraine, the Kyiv Regional State Administration and DOH of Kyiv Regional State Administration should provide Alina Didusenko with medicines “Revatio” and “Ventavis” from the budget. However, they’re just playing “games”, the final of which may be disappointing, as they put the life of orphan disabled child Alina Didusenko, who simply WON’T BE ABLE TO SURVIVE without medications, in danger. Hence, we can conclude that officials don’t care about lifes because THEY HAVE NO FUNDS!!! MAYBE, IT WOULD BE BETTER TO SAVE ON REPAIRING OF SEVERAL FOOTPATH EDGINGS AND PROVIDE A CHILD WITH VITAL MEDICINES ON A REGULAR BASIS???

Read more here: http://ru.tsn.ua/dopomoga/15-letney-devochke-sirote-aline-didusenko-nuzhna-srochnaya-pomosch-554013.html