14-17 January, 2015 PHA Europe Conference in Norway, Oslo in Support of the Newly Established PH Associations

On the14-17th of January 2015 due to the assistance of the European Association of PH in the Kingdom of Norway, Oslo there was run a conference in support of the newly establisherd associations of PH, in which representatives of various countries, namely Ukraine, Macedonia, Belarus, Serbia, Croatia and Russia took place . At the conference we discussed the problem of pulmonary hypertension and possible ways of their solution in the countries where the new associations will be established.
“Safety is in number,” that is why members of associations came to the conclusion that we need to establish an Eastern European Alliance of pulmonary hypertension. This initiative was supported by the European Association of pulmonary hypertension.
It should be stressed that Ukraine has a number of problems that we are not able to solve on our own but we hope for supportfrom the European associations, alliances and organizations that can help us to overcome major challenges of pulmonary hypertension in Ukrainewhich are the following:
1. The problem of access to drugs for pulmonary hypertension (state program, compulsory licensing of the Ukrainian sildenafil as the drug for pulmonary hypertension).
2.Pulmonary hypertension Expertise(diagnosis, medical treatment, education for physicians, immunosuppressives).
3. Pulmonary Hypertension in pediatrics.
4. Transplantation.
5. Overcoming the informative barrier, raising awareness of caregivers, patients with pulmonary hypertension; legal and psychological assistance to patients with pulmonary hypertension.
We know that it will not be easy, but day to day, hand in hand, step by step to the goal!