On May 5, as a part of WPHD 2021, a session of psychological rehabilitation took place. It was a long-awaited and family-friendly meeting. This is a new format, which is due to Covid19. And, even, the theme of the session was inspired by this phenomenon. The meeting began with a welcoming speech by Oksana Skara-Kulish and a representative of PHA Europe Hall Skåra.
Andrii Hulei spoke about the new opportunities to receive NoLag drugs from Microchim as a part of supporting program. The presentations made by Vilena Kit and Roman Andrievsky were extremely useful. They contributed to better understanding how it is possible to live flexibly and fully. Participants shared memories and worries. The latter began a year ago, as a result of Covid, and many have them to this day. Significant topics for today had also been discussed including some changes that might happen in future after Covid 19.
On a separate day shortly before May 5, photo sessions with opinion leaders and famous people took place. All of them wore t-shirts with the symbols of the WPHD. The result of the photo shoot was the placing of big boards and city lights with the participants in the city of Lviv during May. This is a great way to draw public attention to PH issues in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and overcoming the information barrier.