The Ukrainian Medical Society in Lviv became a platform for communication on orphan diseases

The Ukrainian Medical Society in Lviv became a platform for communication on orphan diseases

The Ukrainian Medical Society in Lviv became a platform for communication on orphan diseases with the active assistance of the head of the medical society Oleg Duda.
Yesterday, representatives of PH Urda, “Sister  Dalila” Charitable Foundation at the meeting of the medical society not only announced the plan of action of the Orphan bell community in Lviv region, but also invited to a professional discussion to search for answers to questions concerning physicians.
Why out of 6000 Orphan nosologies in Ukraine only 302 are recorded?
At which hospital can a cabinet to collect information about orphan patients be set up ? Keep a register of Orphan diseases in Lviv region.
How can access to such important but at the same time such different rehabilitation for Orphan patients be improved?
What can the hospital community do to stop being invisible?
