Emotion – what is it? A feeling or a state of mind?

Emotion – what is it? A feeling  or a state of mind?

Emotion – what is it? A feeling or a state of mind? Emotions are what we have been looking for, remembering, receiving and releasing today using body language during dance-therapy. In the depths of our soul, heart, memory, we sought fear, anger, sadness and joy. These are the basic emotions that accompany us since birth throughout our lives. Using simple moves to the music we let fear, anger and sadness go and empted the place for sunny joy. We thank Halyna Kapshiy for possibility to share and receive joy. Together with Roman Andriyevskyi and Vilena Kit we transfered to seashore, green lawn and to the sweetheart places of our childhood. We shared the joy of today. So, today we had such a positive and emotional session.

We thank Anna Mazurenko Children’s Health Center and Department of Internal and Informational Policy of Lviv RSA.